Linux/CAD — Xgu. ru
Top 5 Best Free 3D CAD Software for Mac, Windows & Linux What is FreeCAD FreeCAD is a parametric 3D modeler. Parametric modeling allows you to easily modify your design by going back into your model history and A parametric 3D CAD modeler. The interface is built with Qt. FreeCAD runs exactly the same way on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux platforms.
VariCAD, VariCAD - 3D/2D CAD system
Программы 2D и 3D CAD-проектирования для Ubuntu Linux: LibreCAD, DraftSight и MEDUSA4 - и они все бесплатны! MEDUSA4 — 2- и Are there any good 3D CAD programs available for ubuntu like autocad It is free software and available for Linux/UNIX, Windows and Mac We have gathered some of best free 3d cad drawing software for various platforms include Windows, Mac and Linux. They include all the
Linux for CAD - TenLinks. com
UbuntuEngineering - Community Help Wiki CAD tools - Open Source Ecology The most promising open source 3D-CAD software by far, but still has some way to go. The recently Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. supports
Not true: “Linux lacks good 3D CAD software”, KAIGARA 3D CAD из облака на LinuxХабрахабр
6 Of the Best Free Linux CAD Software - Linux Links - The В последнее время на Хабр появилось несколько статей про Системы Автоматизированного Проектирования (САПР), главным BRL-CAD - A Open Source 3D-CAD program. It is a Constructive Solid Geometry for one month available. A list of CAD software for Linux