How to Use SCSI and Other Peripherals on a USB Mac, eHow
USB to SCSI Converter for Mac OS X - MacTalk This USB-to-SCSI adapter supports PC and Macintosh platforms. I'm using this converter with Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and an external SCSI Converter (IEEE1394), but I decided on this one as I have more USB ports
Legacy SCSI to current Mac - how - Adapter firewire usb, Ask
To return to my Mac SCSI drives page, follow this link. I told him I don't offer USB to SCSI products, so he looked around the Web and found such a product. Joe came back to me. I told him to get a 2.5inch SCSI laptop drive adapter card. Connect U2SCX to your SCSI device, and plug its USB cable to the USB port. Works as an USB 2.0 device with USB 2.0 enabled Macintosh with Mac OS X Does anybody know of an available USB to SCSI converter that works with OS X I have searched and found the Adaptec USBxchange Kit
SCSI to Firewire or USB Converter - For 24" Alum iMac, Applefritter
USB SCSI Adapter with Termpower - Belkin SCSI to USB converter for OSX. - Gearslutz. com I'm sure someone out there is using a scsi to usb adapter in osx for some reason, and i would appreciate their input immensely. Thanks!
Legacy SCSI hardware on USBFirewire Macintosh hardware: Mac SCSI to UBS adapter, Applefritter
Belkin SCSI to USB Adapter - Page 1 - MozillaQuest Now I'm going to try to get an adapter to go from SCSI (25 and 50 are on the You will not be able to use the USB adapter from Cables-To-Go. It is a serial. Maybe the first question to ask is, is it a Mac Adaptec SCSI card Thank you for purchasing the Belkin Components® USB-SCSI. Adapter. Now, you can easily add up to 7 SCSI devices on your Windows® 98 PC, or Mac™